Resolving To Take Care of Yourself

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I’m often hesitant to set New Year’s resolutions, mostly because I don’t think you should wait until January to implement improvements in your life. Goals are awesome and can and should be set and updated all year long!

But I also get that the beginning of a year is a great time to reflect and measure yourself and take stock of what needs to change. Selfishly, I’m focusing on some basic self-care items this year. Resolving to take care of yourself a little better means that you are in tip-top shape to then better serve and take care of your family and others.

Eat Vegetables

At least one serving per day. After having gestational diabetes twice, there’s a greater change I will someday develop type 2 diabetes. I have a major sweet tooth, and baby step number one for a healthier diet is to eat some vegetables once per day. A low goal, but baby steps! I’ll increase it as we go!


Personal prayer is what I’m focusing on. Mitch is great at remembering couples prayers and meals prayers. Hercules has gotten so good at folding his arms for prayer too! It’s me, and my personal conversations with God that have been lacking.

Scripture Study

Spend at least ten minute reading and pondering in God’s word. Meditating this way gives me a little spot of peace in the day. Plus my days have always gone better when I devote a bit of time to the scriptures. They say that prayer is how you talk to God and reading the scriptures is how He talks to you.


Twenty push-ups a day. That’s the minimum and my starting point. And right now, they’re the cheating kind with my knees on the floor. Ideally, I’ll do more strength training than that–some arm days and leg days. But at least the push-ups.

Go for a Walk

This is about some movement, but also some more peaceful times. The whole family loves walks. It’s the temperatures, more than anything, keeping us in. It’s good for our bodies, it’s good for our souls, and I swear it helps my son sleep better, so a walk a day it is.

Brush Teeth and Wash Face Before Bed

This is probably a no-brainer for all of you, like my sweet husband, that are actually good at nightly habits. But while I’m pretty good at my morning routine, my night-time routine is…nonexistent! Despite that, I actually believe the nighttime things are even more important to get your body into it’s restorative groove.

Take Care of You

So there you have it. My very simple goals for taking care of me just a little bit better from now on. What little things do you do for you?

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