Never Too Late for Thank You

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Have you ever had your boss approach you and pour out their heart with gratitude for all you do for the company?

Or has your spouse texted you to say your efforts are noticed and appreciated?

How did it make you feel?

Conversely, when was the last time you expressed your thanks to someone?

Like many couples, when we got married we had a lot of people helping us and many gifts were given. We returned from our honeymoon and immediately started writing thank you notes.

never too late for thank you

And writing.

We literally wrote a couple hundred thank you notes during our first year of marriage. With genuine thanks, we mailed them.

But about two dozen thank you notes are still left to write. And you know what notes those are? The most important ones. The people who worked endlessly to make our day a success, our closest friends and family–they never got their thank you.

Not because we weren’t grateful. But because we were so grateful we never got around to putting that thanks in words.

Years later, that guilt still gets to me, until recently at church someone made a comment that really stuck out. It’s never too late to say thank you.

If I wrote a sincere note today to one of these most important people, they’re probably still going to appreciate the gesture. It’s possible they’ll tease me about my lack of punctuality, but who cares?

And what if that thank you means something to them? Or serves as a little pick-me-up on a tough day?

Then it’s worth doing.

It’s also not just for potentially helping someone else out, either. Saying thank you, writing thank you notes, remembering to be grateful–these things keep us humble. Help us stay positive. It benefits US to have an attitude of gratitude.

Tonight I opened Facebook and messaged a dear friend to say thanks for all her help that day. A long overdue message. Because it’s never too late to say thank you.

Perhaps even more than the people in our lives to thank, it’s also never too late to thank God for our blessings. May we all pray and praise Him for all our blessings tonight and every night.

never too late for thank you
Thank You Cards

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