Loving What He Loves

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When we first started dating, my husband talked a lot about his two favorite places: Bulgaria and North Dakota. Both places I have never been but that sounded intriguing. And talking to him about them made me want to put them on my bucket list! It was easy to adopt these two passions because I love travel anyway, but sometimes it’s a lot harder! Loving what they love tells them you care, that you do, in fact, love them. Here are some ways to love your spouse’s passions.


If you automatically tune out when your spouse drones on about something that doesn’t interest you, you’ll never love it. Whereas if you listen intently, their passion seeps through. The animation and excitement is contagious and soon you’ll love it too!

Ask Questions

Part of listening is asking questions. If you get to know the WHY behind the passion, it makes more sense. Plus you understand better. It’s hard to appreciate football if you don’t understand the rules.

loving what he loves -

Take Turns Trying New Hobbies with Each Other

Make an effort to set aside your thing and really try their thing. Then ask for the same. So maybe one day you’re learning some basic computer coding and the next day you’re explaining the finer points of paper crafting. Or maybe you start with a little gardening and follow it up with a little tax discussion.

Spend Time Apart

You don’t have to do everything together. In fact, you shouldn’t. You probably should have your own hobbies. I can go hang out in my craft room while my husband spends time in the garage and we’re both happier for it. I’m happy he’s happy.

Remember the Source

You fell in love with them, hobbies and all. They’re a wonderful child of God, a fantastic human, and you chose them. You get to keep them. And that means warts, or their interests, and all.

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