Forget Luck, Ask For Blessings

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You know that person in your life who seems to win everything?

For me, it’s my brother-in-law. He has won more amazing prizes than the whole rest of my family combined. Big screen TVs, iPads, Wiis.

I marvel at how he wins…EVERY TIME! And then remind him that prizes are taxable.

But really, I’m jealous. I have only won one thing ever. As a little girl, I won a gigantic Christmas Stocking full of 101 Dalamations paraphernalia. And while that was great, it seems like maybe, a few decades later, I’m due to win something else.

So, I did some research. There are some scientifically-backed ways to become luckier. Then I realized it’s not luck, it’s blessings.


Luck seems like a risky endeavor, whereas blessings (of some sort) are basically guaranteed. The blessings may not be the ones we think we want, but they’re from God and therefore the perfect blessings.

Four Leaf Clover Necklace

Because all that we have comes from God. And you know what? I don’t think God blesses some of His children more than others. Maybe differently, but not more. Someday, I believe it’ll all equal out. In the meantime, though, some of these ideas for becoming luckier can help us search out blessings as well.

Visualize and Expect Great Outcomes

Positive thinking always wins. And statistically, expecting good things leads to good things. Picture that A on an assignment. Or that promotion. In your mind’s eye, rehearse that Oscar’s acceptance speech.

God wants to bless us. He wants to pour out the blessings of heaven upon us. Don’t demand anything from Him, but be ready to accept the blessings He bestows.

Forget Luck, Ask For Blessings -

Karma is Real

Do good, and good will come back to you. The golden rule.

I’d like to believe that we live in a world where you do good because you genuinely care and want the best for everyone. But if that’s too much to swallow right now, do good because it may pay for you to do so.

Maybe you’ll do something nice for someone who says thank you in an amazing way. It couldn’t hurt to try, right?

More importantly though, God sees all that we do. We can thank Him for our blessings through serving His children. And He will bless us more as we demonstrate to Him that any blessings we receive will be shared with all His children.

Forget Luck, Ask For Blessings -

Maximize Your Chances

If you buy 100 raffle tickets and only 5 others are sold, you have a pretty good chance of winning.

Try lots of things. Don’t base all of your happiness on one aspect of your life. My dad always tells me that you have to apply to 100 job listings to get 30 interviews to land one job.

Surround yourself with people and things you love so that if something goes wrong with one, you’re still feeling good.

Have a Lucky Reminder Charm

It sounds silly, but this time of year there are quite a few basketball players who don’t want to wash their socks.

Maybe it’s just that having that lucky charm helps you remember to think positively. As a teenager I used to wear a ring to remind me to be nice to my brother.

Find something that has inspired you in good times and start keeping it with you. Maybe it’s a necklace that you wore on a first date, or the earrings you wore to your graduation. Choose something and it make it your lucky charm/reminder.

Lucky Charms

Trust Your Gut

Intuition is important. But even beyond that, God prompts us in the right direction.

A couple years ago I felt prompted that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I didn’t know what that meant. Tried changing my job, my house, finished grad school…I couldn’t figure out where I was going wrong. But God was making it clear that something needed to change. Finally I tried another church congregation, and BAM! I met my husband. I certainly feel like the luckiest woman in the world to have him.

But it might not have happened if I hadn’t listened to my instincts, the promptings I was getting, telling me to change something.

Work Hard

Thomas Jefferson said, “I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”

Some luck is buried and we have to find it. Working hard brings blessings. Sometimes those blessings aren’t even directly connected to the work you were doing.

Put your shoulder to the wheel and create some of your own luck, and God will likely add to it.

Ask God to Bless You

As His children, God wants to bless us. He WILL bless us. He DOES bless us. Don’t be afraid to pray, have a heartfelt conversation with Him, and ask for more. Ask to see what He has already blessed you with. Thank Him for the blessings He’s given you. And be ready to receive it all. It’s not just luck, God is blessing you.

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