Finding the Lost Sheep for Children

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One of the top things on my list of things to teach my children is that they are of great worth. They’re children of God, and MY entire world! Even more important than knowing that I love them, is for them to know that God loves them. That Jesus loves them. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every child knew their divine worth?

One Lost Sheep

When you know you’re worth something, it changes the way you live your life. If someone believes in you, believes that you’re worth it, it makes all the difference in your performance. And if that someone is God, you’re pretty much unstoppable. When you know that you’re God’s child and He loves you, you can stand a little taller and not only shoot for but reach the stars.

Jesus demonstrated the love and worth of each of us when He shared the parable of the lost sheep.

And he spake this parable unto them, saying,
What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?
And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.
And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.
I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

Luke 15:3-7
Who Counts?

This parable is one of my favorites because I can relate to feeling lost! I’m so grateful to know I have a Savior who comes after me when I’ve strayed from His safety.

When we are lost, the Lord will seek us out and bring us back, we’re that important to Him. Likewise, we should treat everyone as that important, because the same goes for everyone else too! God also wants us to help seek out His lost sheep.

Every sheep, every child, is important to God. We’re all special and loved.

Make the Quiet Book Page

Felt (1 sheet sparkly white, 1 sheet plain white, 1 sheet blue, 1 sheet brown, 1 sheet green, 1 sheet flesh, although most don’t need an entire sheet, mostly scraps may be used!)
Glue (I recommend E6000)
Velcro Dots
Free Pattern

There is no pattern for the ground since it’s basically a meandering line. Cut the ground out of a sheet of brown felt and glue it to a sheet of blue felt for the background. 

To make Jesus, I used the same method as our Easter scene but added a shepherd’s crook to this one. The crook is two pieces of the pattern cut out, glued together and attached to Jesus. The sparkly white is for Jesus.

For each sheep, I cut out two white pieces of the sheep pattern, one face and four legs. Glue the legs in between the two body pieces, then add the face to the top. If you want you could draw a face on the sheep as well.

I glued six leaves together into a bundle under which the sheep could be hidden, or caught. After making a bundle, I attached it to the background with a brad (you may need to pierce the felt with a pin to get the brad through the layers).

All of the sheep and Jesus attach with velcro dots (I reinforce with glue, even though they’re adhesive dots.)

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