Be Happy Today and Forever!
If You Want To Be Happy, Start Today and Harvest the Miracle of Compounding Happiness Forever
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Do you want to be happy? How about tomorrow? Would you like a little happiness all the days of your life?
In finance, people talk about the miracle of compounding interest. Einstein called it the “eighth wonder of the world”. Certainly, if you can harness compounding interest to work in your favor it’s a blessing. Working against you, it’s a curse.
Essentially, compounding interest is when you money grows and makes more and more money all by itself the more you let it work undisturbed. If you can put enough of your money to work for you, the interest earned can replace the need to earn a wage.
There’s another miracle though, more powerful than compounding interest. It’s the compounding joy you can experience as you look for the blessings and build an attitude of optimism in your life. The miracle of compounding happiness.
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” — Helen Keller.
This week I was bathing my little not-so-newborn-anymore. Sometimes bathing babies, especially the smallest ones, seems like such an ordeal and so much work. You have to assemble everything in advance because there’s no chance to run for something you forgot in the middle. And if you have a toddler “helping” you, it’s more of an exercise of keeping the baby alive and everyone else surviving the drenching.
But my little guy absolutely loves baths. And watching his joy kicking his legs and stretching and feeling the water–it suddenly seemed worth it.
In all the chaos and stress of all our lives, we all have moments that make it worth it. And I find that as I notice one of these moments it gets easier and easier to notice them. It compounds, if you will, into an attitude of gratitude.

Each moment of positive thinking breeds more positivity. It grows exponentially. The more you try to focus on the positive, the more positive you can see.
And soon enough, instead of seeing the piles of dirty dishes, you’re grateful for food to eat, and proud of how well your little ones are eating. The mountain of paperwork in your inbox starts to look like job security. The cluttered mess in your room is the abundance you’ve been blessed with.
Little by little the trials and hardships, though still there, have that silver lining.
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Of course bad things will happen. Tragedy doesn’t just go away when facing a positive thinker. The Lord asks us to come unto Him always, but including when we’re heavy laden. His rest doesn’t mean taking the burdens away. Sometimes He takes the burdens, but more often He helps us carry them. He helps us be optimistic in overcoming them.
Positive thinking is a natural side effect of trying to life our life in accordance with Christ’s teachings. When we try to act and serve in the manner that Christ would have us to, we concentrate less on what we don’t have and more on what we do have. When we identify problems, a Christ-like outlook leads us to look for a solution rather than dwell on the negative. Christ himself is a wellspring of hope in dark times of our lives. When we feel that life is difficult and adopt a dismal view, we can look to Jesus Christ and know that through Him, our lives can once again be bright and cheerful, full of hope. Without Christ there wouldn’t be a lot to look forward to, there wouldn’t be anything to be optimistic about.
Deposit your money in your high-yield savings accounts and harvest the miracle of compound interest. Deposit optimism and positivity into your thoughts and harvest the miracle of happiness and joy, today and forever.