8 Unexpected Benefits of a Walking Adventure

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Take a break today and go on an adventure. If you happen to have a toddler around to do it with, all the better. It turns out walking has amazing key benefits that should get you getting your shoes and getting out the door.

Getting back to work from maternity leave, I’ve been worried about how my sweet boys would handle it. My oldest, especially, is quite the momma’s boy and I wasn’t sure how he’d react to less time with me.

So when he started throwing everything down the stairs today, I figured this might be a cry for attention. As a result, on my lunch break today, we put on our shoes and coats and went on a walking adventure.

Usually, when we walk he’s been in a stroller and it’s designed to get him to fall asleep. He’s the worst sleeper in the world and we go to all kinds of drastic measures to get him to zonk out.

This walk, though, was not about sleeping. It was about having fun. With mom. He trotted down the sidewalk exclaiming over everything and oohing and aahing over each discovery.

Watching him innocently exclaim over every little thing made me take a second peak at the world around me. It turns out the world IS an amazing place. There’s a fantastic blue spruce just down our road that is strong and beautiful.

8 Unexpected Benefits of a Walking Adventure -

Getting out gives you a chance to stop and smell those roses and take in the beauty all around you.

But Going on a walking adventure daily can also have a host of benefits for your life. Here are some of them.

Get Healthier

Probably my .68 mile walk didn’t burn many calories. (Although, for my toddler this was like climbing a mountain!) But calories are such a small part of health and weight. Walking can, however, energize your metabolism to increase the calories your burning all day long.

Kids Binoculars

Additionally, Walking can lower your cholesterol, your blood pressure, and generally decrease your risk of heart disease. It can decrease the risk of some cancers. It can improve or eliminate diabetes. Walking can also strengthen your bones.

Really, there’s not a body part that doesn’t benefit from a walk.

Improve your Mental Health

Turns out, the benefits of a walk aren’t just physical. It can be a quick way to turn that frown upside down. You’ll feel more optimistic about the future and have more energy and enthusiasm.

Plus, research shows that walking can help with depression. A 30-minute walk three times a week has been shown to be as beneficial as an antidepressant.

Combat Allergies

I know, this sounds like a contradiction. But more and more, doctors are trying out the theory that small exposures to an allergen can actually help prevent or lessen the symptoms.

Fifteen minutes of walking outside can actually help with your allergy season symptoms. Go outside and give it a try!

Solve a Problem

Walking clears your mind and helps reduce brain fatigue. When you go out for that stroll, your blood flow increases and all that gray matter up there gets a nice boost of oxygen. Plus, apparently your foot impacting the ground helps the brain regulate the blood flow, so win-win.

But, it’s not just the physiology. Leave your headphones off and walk and just think. After about 25 minutes your mind becomes clearer. It’s almost like have a fresh, blank canvas to do your thinking on, without all the distractions and pre-concieved notions.

Bug Catching Kit

Build Creativity

A recent study found that walking increase both convergent and divergent thinking, or in other words, the two things our brains do to be creative.

So if you’ve got writer’s block or are running out of ideas to entertain your kids, go for a walk! And get the juices flowing.

Strengthen Your Will Power

Before our walk, I was rummaging in the cupboards for a sweet treat. After our walk, I realized I just wanted a glass of water.

But it turns out, this might not be just anecdotal. Participants in a study showed more self-control after 2 months of consistent exercise. They procrastinated less, they made healthier food choices.

Will-power is a muscle just like any other, and walking can help strengthen it.

Pad Your Bank Account

Pick up the coins you find on the way. This won’t make you rich, but studies have shown people who pick up pennies are more fiscally responsible!

But more importantly, walking is a free form of exercise and therapy. A dollar spent today on prevention has been shown to save nearly three dollars of healthcare costs in the future. And if that dollar is actually a time investment of a walk? Even greater return on your investment!

Feel Peace

There’s something about a little time outside that makes you feel as though you’re communing with God. Maybe it’s because you’re outside enjoying His creations.

But whatever it is, give it a try. See how a little walking adventure can benefits you today.

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