31 Photos You Should Take of Your Kids

When’s the last time you browsed through pictures of your childhood?

My littlest brother is 16 years younger than me. He was born after we had purchased a digital camera, so we have literally thousands of pictures of him growing up. We older children, not so many. Born prior to the digital age, we didn’t have nearly as many pictures, to begin with. Add to that the many moves our family made growing up, and, let’s just say the visual records of our lives have some gaps.

Lens for Phones

If you’re like me, you’re whipping out your phone to document the lives of your child’s first everythings, holidays, and every other big moment. Maybe even quite a few small moments. We try to take lots of pictures and videos for our family that lives a little farther away. There are lots of pictures you should be taking of your kids!

photos you should take of your kids

Since we DO live in the digital age now, I want to document MORE. I’m told constantly how I’ll miss these moments. I want to capture more moments. And not just the big ones. I want to remember the snuggly moments, the favorite toys, outfits or foods. To forever treasure that look of pride when my son accomplishes something new or hard. And to always have that precious smile to look back on.

Oftentimes I forget to pull out the phone/camera and capture these moments. And I’m working on becoming a better photographer, to get more quality shots as well as quantity. For tips on how to take better pictures, there are some great ideas out there.

Phone Tripod

Today though, commit to taking advantage of the moment more frequently. Commit to the Mommy Photo Challenge. If you have one child, take a month and try this list out. One picture every day. On the other hand, if you have multiple children, you could either aim to take multiple pictures a day, choose a different child every day, or complete the list multiple months in a row!

The idea isn’t to have professional quality photos every day but to have memories.

  1. Doing Their Favorite Thing
  2. Outside
  3. Helping Someone
  4. Dressed Formally or Sunday Best
  5. From a Low Level/Down on their Level
  6. All Messy
  7. In Silhouette
  8. By a Window
  9. With You
  10. Their Eyes
  11. With an Animal
  12. Sleeping
  13. Reading
  14. Movement
  15. In their Favorite Outfit/Shoes/Costume
  16. With Their Best Friend
  17. Worshipping
  18. Cheesy Smile
  19. With Their Favorite Item (Toy, Book, Blanket, Hobby)
  20. Posed Portrait
  21. With the Whole Family
  22. Let Them Take One of You/See Yourself Through Their Eyes
  23. Laughing
  24. Hugging Someone
  25. With a Project (Artwork, Schoolwork, etc)
  26. Snuggling
  27. Candid of Them Playing
  28. Their Hands
  29. Working/Concentrating
  30. Eating
  31. In Their Room

Someday, I hear that we’ll be glad we have these pictures. Grab your phone or your camera and make sure the reminders are created. Lay up those treasures for later and take these photos of your children!

mommy photo challenge

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